Informatics Study Program Manager

Dr. Aris Sugiharto, S.Si., M.Kom.


Dr. Helmie Arif Wibawa, S.Si., M.Cs.


Lecturer of Informatics Study Program

Name : Prof. Dr. Widowati, S.Si., M.Si.
NIP : 196902141994032002
NIDN : 0014026906
Group, Department : IV/e, Guru Besar
Areas of Expertise : Mathematical modeling and control systems
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Prof. Dr. Dra. Sunarsih, M.Si.
NIP : 195809011986032002
NIDN : 0023116505
Group, Department : IV/b, Guru Besar
Areas of Expertise : Applied Mathematics
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Prof. Dr. Rahmat Gernowo, M.Si.
NIP : 196511231994031003
NIDN : 0023116505
Group, Department : IV/b, Guru Besar
Areas of Expertise : Data Mining
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Prof. Dr. Kusworo Adi, S.Si., M.T.
NIP : 197203171998021001
NIDN : 0017037201
Group, Department : IV/b, Guru Besar
Areas of Expertise : Computer Vision
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Drs. Bayu Surarso, M.Sc., Ph.D.
NIP : 196311051988031001
NIDN : 0005116303
Group, Department : IV/b, Lektor Kepala
Areas of Expertise : Mathematics
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Farikhin, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.
NIP : 197312202000121001
NIDN : 0020127304
Group, Department : III/c, Lektor
Areas of Expertise : Applied Analysis
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Dr. Dra. Tatik Widiharih, M.Si.
NIP : 196109281986032002
NIDN : 0028096108
Group, Department : IV/c, Lektor Kepala
Areas of Expertise : Mathematical Statistics, Experimental Design, Nonlinear Models
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Dr. Drs. Tarno, M.Si.
NIP : 196307061991021001
NIDN : 0006076305
Group, Department : IV/b, Lektor Kepala
Areas of Expertise : Time Series Analysis
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Dr.Eng. Adi Wibowo, S.Si., M.Kom.
NIP : 198203092006041002
NIDN : 0009038204
Group, Department : III/a, Lektor Kepala
Areas of Expertise : DNA Nanotechnology, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Dinar Mutiara Kusumo Nugraheni,
S.T., M.InfoTech.(Comp)., Ph.D.
NIP : 197601102009122002
NIDN : 0010017603
Group, Department : III/b, Lektor
Areas of Expertise : Information Technology Computing
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Dr. Aris Puji Widodo, S.Si., M.T.
NIP : 197404011999031002
NIDN : 0001047404
Group, Department : III/d, Lektor Kepala
Areas of Expertise : Software Engineering and e-Government
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Dr. Aris Sugiharto, S.Si., M.Kom.
NIP : 197108111997021004
NIDN : 0011087104
Group, Department : III/d, Lektor
Areas of Expertise : Pattern Recognition
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Dr. Budi Warsito, S.Si., M.Si.
NIP : 197508241999031003
NIDN : 0024087502
Group, Department : III/c, Lektor
Areas of Expertise : Neural Network
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Dr. Retno Kusumaningrum, S.Si., M.Kom.
NIP : 198104202005012001
NIDN : 0020048104
Group, Department : IV/a, Lektor Kepala
Areas of Expertise : Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Natural Language Processing, Topic Modelling, Machine Learning
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Dr.Drs. Catur Edi Widodo, M.T.
NIP : 196405181992031002
NIDN : 0018056403
Group, Department : IV/b, Lektor Kepala
Areas of Expertise : Computational Physics
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Dr.Drs. Rukun Santoso, M.Si.
NIP : 196502251992011001
NIDN : 0025026503
Group, Department : IV/b, Lektor Kepala
Areas of Expertise : Computational Statistics
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Jatmiko Endro Suseno, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.
NIP : 197211211998021001
NIDN : 0021117203
Group, Department : III/d, Lektor
Areas of Expertise : Embedded system
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Dr. Sutikno, S.T., M.Cs.
NIP : 197905242009121003
NIDN : 0024057906
Group, Department : III/d, Lektor
Areas of Expertise : Machine Learning, Computer Vision, and Artificial Intelligence
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Drs. Eko Adi Sarwoko, M.Komp.
NIP : 196511071992031003
NIDN : 0007116503
Group, Department : IV/b, Lektor Kepala
Areas of Expertise : Computer Science
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Priyo Sidik Sasongko, S.Si., M.Kom.
NIP : 197007051997021001
NIDN : 0005077005
Group, Department : III/d, Lektor
Areas of Expertise : Intelligent Computing
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Beta Noranita, S.Si., M.Kom.
NIP : 197308291998022001
NIDN : 0029087303
Group, Department : III/c, Lektor
Areas of Expertise : Information Systems
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Edy Suharto, S.T., M.Kom
NIP : 198009142006041002
NIDN : 0014098003
Group, Department : III/a, Asisten Ahli
Areas of Expertise : Software Engineering
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Fajar Agung Nugroho, S.Kom., M.Cs.
NIP : 198404112019031009
NIDN : 0611048402
Group, Department : III/b, Pengajar
Areas of Expertise : Information Technology
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Guruh Aryotejo, S.Kom., M.Sc.
NIP : 198012272015041002
NIDN : 0627128001
Group, Department : III/b, Asisten Ahli
Areas of Expertise : Information Technology
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Dr. Helmie Arif Wibawa, S.Si., M.Cs.
NIP : 197805162003121001
NIDN : 0016057801
Group, Department : III/d, Lektor
Areas of Expertise : Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Dr. Indra Waspada, S.T., M.TI
NIP : 197902122008121002
NIDN : 0012027907
Group, Department : III/d, Lektor
Areas of Expertise : Information Technology
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Khadijah, S.Kom., M.Cs.
NIP : 198903032015042002
NIDN : 0003038907
Group, Department : III/b, Asisten Ahli
Areas of Expertise : Applied Intelligent System
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Muhammad Malik Hakim, S.T., M.T.I.
NIP : 198106202015041002
NIDN : 0020068108
Group, Department : III/d, Lektor
Areas of Expertise : Information Technology
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Nurdin Bahtiar, S.Si., M.T.
NIP : 197907202003121002
NIDN : 0020077902
Group, Department : III/c, Lektor
Areas of Expertise : Information Systems , Data Mining
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Prajanto Wahyu Adi, M.Kom.
NIP : 198803222020121010
NIDN : 0622038802
Group, Department : III/b, Lektor
Areas of Expertise : Image Processing, Watermarking, Classification
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Ragil Saputra, S.Si., M.Cs.
NIP : 198010212005011003
NIDN : 0021108002
Group, Department : III/d, Lektor
Areas of Expertise : Information Systems
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Rismiyati, B.Eng, M.Cs
NIP : 198511252018032001
NIDN : 0025118503
Group, Department : III/b, Pengajar
Areas of Expertise : Intelligent System
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Satriyo Adhy, S.Si., M.T.
NIP : 198302032006041002
NIDN : 0003028301
Group, Department : III/d, Lektor
Areas of Expertise : Information Systems
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Solikhin, S.Si., M.Sc.
NIP : 198506302012121001
NIDN : 0030068502
Group, Department : III/b, Asisten Ahli
Areas of Expertise : Mathematical Analysis
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Sukmawati Nur Endah, S.Si., M.Kom.
NIP : 197805022005012002
NIDN : 0002057811
Group, Department : III/d, Lektor
Areas of Expertise : Intelligent System
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Adhe Setya Pramayoga, M.T.
NIP : 199112092024061001
NIDN : -
Group, Department : Penata Muda Tk I, III/b
Areas of Expertise : Information Technology
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Sandy Kurniawan, S.Kom., M.Kom.
NIP : 199603032024061003
NIDN : 0003039602
Group, Department : Penata Muda Tk I, III/b
Areas of Expertise : Information Technology
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Yunila Dwi Putri Ariyanti, S.Kom., M.Kom.
NIP : H.7.198806142022102001
NIDN : -
Group, Department : Set. III/b, Pengajar
Areas of Expertise : Information Technology
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Dr. Yeva Fadhilah Ashari, S.Si., M.Si.
NIP : H.7.199204252023072001
NIDN : -
Group, Department : Set. Penata, Set. III/c
Areas of Expertise : Graph Theory And Its Applications, Combinatorics
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Etna Vianita, S.Mat., M.Mat.
NIP : H.7.199602212023072001
NIDN : -
Group, Department : Set. Penata Muda Tk I, Set. III/b
Areas of Expertise : Mathematics
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Dhena Kamalia Fu'adi, S.Kom., M.Kom.
NIP : 199606132024062001
NIDN : -
Group, Department : Penata Muda Tk I, III/b
Areas of Expertise : -
Email : dhenakamalia
CV and Works :

Name : Henri Tantyoko, S.Kom., M.Kom.
NIP : 199612272024061001
NIDN : -
Group, Department : Penata Muda Tk I, III/b
Areas of Expertise : -
Email :
CV and Works :

Name : Satriawan Rasyid Purnama, S.Kom., M.Cs.
NIP : 199805212024061001
NIDN : -
Group, Department : Penata Muda Tk I, III/b
Areas of Expertise : -
Email :
CV and Works :

Informatics Study Program Educational Staff

Name : Beny Nugroho, S.Kom.
NIP : H.7.198611152023101001
Position : Laboratory Technician
Email :

Name : Annisa Istiadah N., A.Md.
NIP : H.7.198911012023102001
Position : Academic Administration
Email :

Name : Anang Ardiyanto, S.Kom.
NIP : H.7.199406052023101001
Position : Laboratory Technician
Email :

Name : Muhamat Jamal
NIP : -
Position : Pramu Bakti
Email : -